Atherosclerosis happens when fatty deposits accumulate along the arterial walls. This is also known as clogged or hardened arteries.
This condition makes the arteries narrower and diminishes the blood flow to the heart and other parts of the body. Unfortunately, atherosclerosis is one of the major reasons for heart illness and it’s actually the underlying cause for around 50 percent of deaths in the West.
People with a higher likelihood of developing this condition are people with high bad cholesterol, hypertension, smokers, diabetics, and obese individuals, as well as people who follow a sedentary lifestyle and have a family history of atherosclerosis.
A lot of people praise certain herbs and spices for their ability to encourage the cleansing of the arteries and to reduce clogging. If you also want to support your arterial health, adding these herbs and spices to your diet may help!
Herbs and spices both come from plants but herbs are acquired from the fresh part of the plant whereas spices are from the dry and root part of the plants.
However, both of them are used for food flavoring and have numerous health advantages. Let’s check them out below!
Top 10 Spices to Unclog Your Arteries
- Garlic
Praised for adding a unique flavor to meals, garlic will also boost your cardiovascular health. It’s one of the most popular natural remedies for so many different health issues, from fighting off a common cold to reducing hypertension.
Moreover, it can be of aid for reducing bad cholesterol and swelling and thus, lower your risk of strokes and heart attacks!
- Cinnamon
This yummy spice is amazing when added to your favorite oatmeal breakfast or lovely desserts.
It’s been part of our cuisines for thousands of years and is praised for multiple health benefits. One of them is the capacity to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and blood pressure.
- Turmeric
This yellow spice is one of the most popular ones in Indian cuisine but also growing in popularity in the west too.
Curcumin is a compound that gives its yellow color. It’s praised for its ability to help decrease inflammation, reduce blood clots, and decrease bad cholesterol.
- Coriander
This herb is commonly used in so many different dishes worldwide.
Interestingly, populations that consume it a lot also have some of the lowest rates of cardiovascular illness. In the US, we also know it as cilantro.
They’re not one and the same, but they come from the same plant. It’s praised for reducing the heart disease factors like bad cholesterol and hypertension.
Its diuretic properties help us remove surplus fluids and sodium from the body and balance the blood pressure.
- Ginger
Whether it’s a baked good, tea, or a salad, enriching it with ginger is always a good idea. And, you’ll also do your health a favor.
Studies indicate that regular consumption of ginger is beneficial for blood pressure, cholesterol, and the arteries.
It actually helps avert their hardening and may therefore be useful for the prevention and treatment of heart-related diseases.
- Cayenne
Add some spicy heat to your meals with cayenne pepper.
Moreover, it will also boost your blood flow, and thanks to its capsaicin, it will help you decrease high blood pressure. Better blood flow and lower blood pressure equal a healthier cardiovascular system!
- Parsley
Supercharge your meals with this herb and please, don’t hold back! It’s loaded with vitamin C and B12 and it will help you better the arterial blood flow.
Moreover, parsley is abundant in micronutrients that will lower your risk of atherosclerosis and other heart problems. Thanks to its nitrates, parsley will naturally dilate your arteries and boost the passage of the blood.
- White willow bark
Did you know that aspirin today originates from an herbal extract found in the bark of the willow tree? For centuries, this extract has been used to alleviate inflammation and pain. Salicin is its main compound which is responsible for its healing properties.
Similar to aspirin, white willow bark thins the blood and helps avert blood clotting. According to studies, willow bark is also helpful in reducing our chances of strokes and heart attacks by bettering the blood flow.
- Saffron
Spanish people who consume this spice regularly have a lower incidence of heart illness. Saffron is therefore pivotal for the reduction of inflammation and arterial plaque.
This is believed to be a result of the active compound crocetin that’s known to better the blood lipid levels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
What’s more, saffron is also abundant in riboflavin and thiamin and it will boost cardiovascular health by making your blood flow stronger.
- Hawthorn
For centuries, hawthorn has been used as a natural way to relieve heart issues ranging from high blood pressure to arterial hardening.
This shrubby plant is believed to be beneficial for the heart due to its oligomeric procyanidins that may help widen the blood vessels, better the blood flow, and keep the blood vessels safe from oxidative damage.
Animal and human studies have shown hawthorn’s ability to reduce blood pressure, minimize the risk of plaque, and protect arterial health.