기특하다 영어로 배우기: 진정한 영어 실력을 키워보세요!

기특하다 영어로

기특하다 영어로: Understanding the Meaning of “Admirable” in Korean

어떤 안타까운 상황에서도 절대 포기하지 않고, 단호한 의지력을 가지고 꿋꿋하게 나아가는 사람을 기특하다고 표현한다. 이러한 기특한 사람에 대해서는 영어에서도 “admirable” 혹은 “resolute”와 같은 표현을 사용한다. 기특하다는 상황에 따라서 ‘대견하다’, ‘견실하다’ 등과도 비슷한 의미를 가질 수 있다.

기특하다와 관련된 영어 단어

기특하다와 관련된 영어 단어는 주로 “admirable”, “resolute”, “persistent”, “undaunted” 등이 있다. 이러한 단어들은 굳건한 의지나 단호한 마음가짐을 가진 사람들을 나타내는 표현이다.

기특하다를 표현하는 영어 문장

가령, “Despite facing many obstacles, he remained admirable in his pursuit of success”, “Her resolute determination to overcome hardship is truly admirable”, “The persistent effort of the students in the face of adversity was truly impressive”. 이러한 문장에서는 기특하다는 그들의 장점이나 가치관을 나타내는 형용사로 쓰이고 있다.

기특한 사람을 영어로 부르는 방법

기특한 사람을 영어로 부르는 방법은 “admirable person”, “resolute individual”, “persistent achiever”등으로 표현할 수 있다. 이러한 표현들은 기특하다는 사람들을 긍정적이고 칭찬하는 말로 표현하고 있다.

세상에서 가장 기특한 사람들

세상에서 가장 기특한 사람들은 다양하며, 그들은 서로 다른 분야에서 활약하고 있다. 가령, 아마존의 CEO인 Jeff Bezos는 견고한 비전과 끊임없는 열정을 가지고 회사를 매우 성공시킨 기특한 사람으로 꼽히고 있다. 또한, Nelson Mandela는 인종차별과 전쟁으로부터 자유롭게 하기 위해 매우 강인한 의지를 가지고 싸웠던 기특한 지도자로 잘 알려져 있다. 그리고, Mother Teresa는 실제로 자신의 인생을 사랑과 호의에 헌신한 기특한 여성이며, 이를 통해 수많은 사람들의 가슴을 녹여 버렸다. 이러한 기특한 사람들은 세상을 바꾸는데 매우 큰 역할을 했으며, 우리 모두가 그들의 업적들에서 영감을 받을 수 있다.

기특한 사람이 가져야 할 영어 실력

기특한 사람이 가져야 할 영어 실력은 그들의 목표와 꿈을 이루는데 있어서 중요한 역할을 한다. 성공적인 비즈니스 협상을 하거나 알찬 정보를 나누기 위해서는 영어 실력이 매우 필수적이다. 따라서 기특한 사람은 영어를 유창하게 구사할 수 있는 능력을 가지는 것이 중요하다.

기특한 사람이 성공적인 영어 사용을 위해 해야 할 일

기특한 사람이 영어 실력을 향상시키기 위해서는 다음과 같은 요소들이 매우 중요하다.

1. 영어 공부를 꾸준히 하는 것: 매일 조금씩이라도 영어를 공부하는 것이 중요하다.

2. 영어를 실전에서 많이 사용하는 것: 회화 연습, 소통, 비즈니스 협상 등에서 영어를 사용해보는 것이 중요하다.

3. 영어 스피치나 프리젠테이션 등에서 발표를 해보는 것: 말을 잘하고 명료하게 전달하는 것은 매우 중요하다.

4. 영어 문서 작성 및 검토: 영어로 문서를 작성하고 검토하는 것이 매우 중요하다.

기특하다 영어로

기특하다를 영어로 번역하면 “admirable”이라고 한다. 이는 매우 긍정적인 단어로, 사람이나 행동, 생각에 대해서 칭찬하는 말로 사용된다.

대견하다 영어로

대견하다는 영어로 “impressive”라고 한다. 이는 무언가 긍정적이고 인상적인 것에 대해서 사용하는 말로, 대개는 사람이나 그들의 행동/업적에 대한 칭찬으로 사용된다.

기특하다 뜻

기특하다는 영어로 “admirable” 혹은 “resolute”와 같이, 끊임없는 열정과 굳건한 의지를 가지고 어려움에도 불구하고 끈기있게 나아가는 사람들을 나타내는 형용사다. 이러한 사람은 무엇이든지 달성할 수 있는 힘과 의지를 가지고 있으며, 그들의 업적은 다른 사람들에게 영감을 주고 우리 모두가 배울 수 있는 것들이다.

기특하다 비슷한말

기특하다와 비슷한 단어들로는 “admirable”, “resolute”, “persistent”, “undaunted” 등이 있다. 이러한 단어들은 사람이나 그들의 행동/성격에 대해서 긍정적인 의미로 사용된다.

기특해 meaning

“기특해”는 기특하다라는 형용사의 원형이다. 이는 쉽게 말해, 끊임없는 열정과 굳건한 의지를 가진 사람을 찬양하는 단어다.


Admirable은 ‘기특하다’를 의미하는 영어 단어이다. 끊임없이 목표를 추구하면서도 단호한 의지와 열정을 가진 사람들을 의미하는 긍정적인 단어이다.


“기특해요”는 ‘기특하다’를 공손하게 표현하는 말이다. 이는 끊임없이 노력하면서도 포기하지 않는 모습에 대한 경의를 나타낸다.

대견하다 뜻

대견하다는 “impressive”라는 영어 단어와 같이 어떤 것이 매우 긍정적이고 인상적인 것에 대해 사용하는 말이다. 대개, 사람이나 그들의 행동/업적에 대한 칭찬으로 사용된다.

기특하다 영어로

기특하다를 영어로 번역하면 “admirable”이라는 단어를 사용한다. 이는 매우 긍적적인 형용사이며, 끊임없는 노력과 단호한 마음에 대한 칭찬으로 사용된다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 기특하다 영어로 대견하다 영어로, 기특하다 뜻, 기특하다 비슷한말, 기특해 meaning, Admirable, 기특해요, 대견하다 뜻

Categories: Top 74 기특하다 영어로

나 기특하다

여기에서 자세히 보기: shinbroadband.com

대견하다 영어로

대견하다 or “daegyeonhada” is a common Korean expression used to describe something that is impressive, awesome or amazing. It is often used as a compliment to acknowledge someone’s talent, skill, or achievement. The expression has gained popularity not only in Korea but also around the world. As more and more people become interested in Korean culture, the word daegyeonhada has become a popular term in the Korean language.

The Origins of Daegyeonhada

The word daegyeonhada is made up of two parts. The first part, “dae,” means “big,” “great,” or “grand,” while the second part, “gyeonhada,” means “to accomplish” or “to achieve.” Together, the two words create the meaning “to accomplish something great” or “to achieve something grand.” The origin of the word can be traced back to ancient Korean history when people used the expression to describe great feats of strength and courage.

Today, daegyeonhada is used in a variety of contexts, including sports, music, fashion, art, and business. It is often used to describe something that is impressive, cool, or stylish. When someone says “daegyeonhae,” it can mean that they are impressed, awed, or inspired by what they have seen or heard.

The Popularity of Daegyeonhada in Korean Culture

Daegyeonhada has become a popular expression in Korean pop culture, particularly in pop music and K-dramas. Many Korean idols and actors use the expression to describe their own achievements or to compliment their fans. In K-dramas, daegyeonhada is often used during romantic scenes to express admiration or love.

The expression has also become a popular copyright name for businesses in Korea. From restaurants to clothing brands, daegyeonhada is commonly used to describe something that is impressive or grand. This has contributed to the popularity of the word, as many Koreans associate it with quality and excellence.

Daegyeonhada in English

As Korean culture continues to gain international attention, the word daegyeonhada has found its way into the English language. The expression is often used as a loanword, but it can also be translated into English as “impressive,” “awesome,” or “amazing.” It has become a common term used by Korean-Americans or anyone interested in Korean culture.


1. How do I use daegyeonhada in a sentence?

Daegyeonhada can be used in a variety of contexts, including sports, music, fashion, art, and business. For example, you could say “그의 실력이 대견해” (Geuui silryeogi daegyeonhae) which means “His skills are impressive” or “그 옷이 대견하다” (Geu oshi daegyeonhada) which means “That outfit is amazing.”

2. Can daegyeonhada be used to compliment someone’s personality?

Yes, daegyeonhada can be used to compliment someone’s personality. For example, you could say “그는 성격이 대견하다” (Geuneun seonggyeogi daegyeonhada) which means “He has an impressive personality.”

3. Is daegyeonhada used only in Korea, or can it be used by anyone?

Daegyeonhada is a Korean expression, but it has become a popular term used by Korean-Americans or anyone interested in Korean culture. It can be used in any context where something is impressive, awesome, or amazing.

4. What are some English equivalents of daegyeonhada?

The English equivalents of daegyeonhada include “impressive,” “awesome,” and “amazing.” However, these words do not capture the full meaning of the Korean expression, which also implies a sense of grandeur and accomplishment.

In conclusion, daegyeonhada is a common Korean expression used to describe something that is impressive, awesome, or amazing. It has gained popularity not only in Korea but also around the world as more and more people become interested in Korean culture. The expression has its roots in ancient Korean history but has evolved to be used in a variety of contexts, including sports, music, fashion, art, and business. Daegyeonhada has become a popular term used by Korean-Americans or anyone interested in Korean culture. Its translation into English as “impressive,” “awesome,” or “amazing” does not capture the full meaning of the expression, which also implies a sense of grandeur and accomplishment.

기특하다 뜻

기특하다 뜻 (gi-teuk-ha-da tteut) is a Korean word that means “admirable” or “brave.” It is used to describe someone who has shown courage or who has done something heroic. The word is often used as a compliment, and it is a way of expressing admiration and respect.

The word 기특하다 (gi-teuk-ha-da) is derived from the words 기개하다 (gi-gae-ha-da) and 특별하다 (teuk-byeol-ha-da). 기개하다 means to display courage or bravery, while 특별하다 means to be special or exceptional. By combining these two words, 기특하다 뜻 was created to mean something truly admirable.

There are many different situations where someone might be described as 기특하다. For example, someone who rushes into a burning building to save someone else would be considered 기특하다. Similarly, soldiers who fight for their country, firefighters who risk their lives to put out fires, and police officers who protect their communities are all examples of people who might be described as 기특하다.

Another common use of the word 기특하다 is to describe someone who has had to overcome a difficult obstacle or challenge. For example, someone who has overcome an illness or a disability might be described as 기특하다. Similarly, someone who has worked hard to achieve a goal or who has persevered through a difficult situation might also be considered 기특하다.

Overall, the word 기특하다 is a way of acknowledging and celebrating people who have shown bravery, courage, and strength in the face of adversity.


1. Can 기특하다 be used to describe non-human things?

No, 기특하다 is only used to describe human actions or qualities. It is not typically used to describe things like animals, objects, or events.

2. Is 기특하다 always used as a compliment?

Yes, 기특하다 is always used as a compliment. It is a way of expressing admiration and respect for someone who has done something admirable or brave.

3. How is 기특하다 pronounced?

기특하다 is pronounced as “gi-teuk-ha-da.”

4. How is 기특하다 뜻 used in a sentence?

기특하다 뜻 can be used in a sentence to describe someone who has done something brave or admirable. For example, “그는 화재로부터 아이를 구하러 달려 들어가서 기특하다” (geuneun hwajae-ro-buteo ai-reul guha-reo dalryeo-deureo gi-teuk-ha-da) means “He was brave to rush into the fire to save a child.”

5. Are there any other words in Korean that are similar to 기특하다?

Yes, there are several other words in Korean that are similar to 기특하다. 귀하다 (gwi-ha-da) means to be precious or valuable, while 용감하다 (yong-gam-ha-da) means to be brave or courageous.

기특하다 비슷한말

기특하다 and 비슷한말 are two words in the Korean language that are often used to describe someone who is brave, courageous, and fearless. These words are typically used to praise someone for their bravery in the face of danger or adversity, and are often used in a variety of contexts, including in personal relationships, sports, and even in the workplace.

This article will explore the meaning and usage of these two important Korean words, as well as provide some examples and tips on how to use them in context.

What does 기특하다 mean?

기특하다 (giteukhada) is a Korean adjective that is typically used to describe someone who is brave, courageous, and strong-willed. This word is often used to describe someone who faces adversity with a determined spirit, and is often used in a variety of contexts, including personal relationships, sports, and even in the workplace.

The word 기특하다 is typically used as a compliment, and is often used to praise someone for their bravery and perseverance. This word is often used to describe people who are facing difficult challenges in their lives, such as illness, financial hardship, or other personal struggles.


– 그는 굉장히 기특하다. (Geuneun gwangjanghi giteukhada.) – He is very brave.
– 그녀는 어려운 상황에서도 항상 기특하다. (Geunyeoneun eoryeoun sanghwang-eseodo hangsang giteukhada.) – She is always brave, even in difficult situations.


기특하다 is typically used as an adjective to describe someone’s personality or actions. This word is often used in conjunction with other adjectives, such as 강인한 (gakinhan) or 용감한 (yonggamhan), which also describe someone who is brave, courageous, or strong-willed.

In addition, 기특하다 can also be used as a verb, 기특해지다 (giteukhaejida), which means to become brave or courageous. This verb is often used in a motivational or inspirational context, such as in self-help books or personal development seminars.

What does 비슷한말 mean?

비슷한말 (biseuthanmal) is another Korean word that is often used to describe someone who is brave or courageous. This word is typically translated as “similar to,” and is often used to describe someone who exhibits the same qualities as someone else who is brave or courageous.


– 그는 그녀의 기특함과 비슷한말로 기특하다. (Geuneun geunyeoui giteukham-gwa biseuthanmallo giteukhada.) – He is brave, similar to her bravery.
– 그녀는 그들과 비슷한말로 어려움을 극복했다. (Geunyeoneun geudeulgwa biseuthanmallo eoryeoumeul geugbokhaetda.) – She overcame difficulties, similar to them.


비슷한말 is typically used in the same way as 기특하다, as an adjective that describes someone’s personality or actions. This word is often used in conjunction with other adjectives, such as 용감한, 강인한, or 깊은 (gipeun), which also describe someone who is brave or courageous.

In addition, 비슷한말 can also be used as a noun, 비슷한말이다 (biseuthanmal-ida), which means “to be similar to someone else.” This noun is often used in a comparative context, such as when comparing two people who both exhibit bravery or courage.

Common questions and answers:

Q: Are 기특하다 and 비슷한말 interchangeable?

A: Yes, these words are often used interchangeably, as they both describe someone who is brave, courageous, and strong-willed. However, 비슷한말 is typically used in a comparative context, while 기특하다 is typically used as a compliment.

Q: Can these words be used to describe someone who is physically strong?

A: Yes, these words can be used to describe someone who is physically strong, as well as someone who is mentally or emotionally strong. However, these words are typically used to describe someone who exhibits bravery or courage in the face of adversity.

Q: Can these words be used in a negative context?

A: No, these words are typically used as compliments and are not used in a negative context.

In conclusion, 기특하다 and 비슷한말 are two important Korean words that are often used to describe someone who is brave, courageous, and strong-willed. These words are typically used as compliments and are often used in a variety of contexts, including personal relationships, sports, and even in the workplace. If you are learning Korean, it is important to understand the meanings and usage of these words so that you can use them appropriately in your conversations and interactions with others.

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难能可贵 발음 : 难能可贵(매우 기특하다) 표준 중국어 발음/읽기 – Youtube

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