A wealthy old man was lying on his d.eathbed when it occurred to him that he had never made a will.
So, he called his lawyer to help him draft one.
The next day, the lawyer arrived, and the old man said, “I want 25% of my money to go to charity. After all, I’ve taken so much; I should give something back.”
“How generous of you,” the lawyer replied. “I’ll make sure that happens right away.”
“I also want 25% to go to my son. He’s been waiting for the day he could get his hands on my money,” the old man added.
“Okay, I’ll make sure he gets 25%,” the lawyer responded.
“And the rest should go to my wife, on the condition that she remarries after I die,” the old man said.
A bit puzzled, the lawyer asked, “Okay, I’ll make sure that happens. But may I ask why you want her to remarry? It’s a rather unusual request.”
The old man grinned and said, “I want to make sure at least one man regrets my death.”
An Old Man Walks Up To The Counter.

An old man walks up to the counter of a pawn shop with an old, weathered guitar.
“I’d like your expert opinion on this guitar, how much do you think it’s worth?” asks the old man.
The pawnbroker looks it up and down.
“Well I can tell right now that there’s a little warping in the neck, the lacquer is faded and there are scratches and dents all over it. It’s an old, well-played guitar but I don’t think it’s worth any more than twenty bucks.”
The old man reaches his hand out and says.
“Okay, if that’s what you think it’s worth, you have a deal!”
“Great!” Replies the pawnbroker, shaking his hand.
“Here’s twenty bucks.” Says the old man.
“I’ll buy it right now!”
The broker stops and suddenly looks confused.
“Wait, buy?” He asks.
“Yes!” Smiles the old man as he flips the guitar over.
“This one has a sticker price of $150, but now that I have your honest opinion I think twenty bucks is a great deal.”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!